Meet Dr Triana

Dentist in Kendall, FL
Dr. Nelcy Triana

Dr. Triana believes in personalized dentistry, excellence in care, and patient satisfaction.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, she graduated at the top of her class from the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences in Villa Clara, Cuba in 1984 and obtained a Doctor in Dental Surgery degree from the University of Florida in 2010, where she received the Academic Excellence Award.

She is a member of the American Dental Association and the Florida Dental Association.

Dr. Elsa Yumar

Dr. Elsa Yumar

  • Is a highly skilled dentist, offering comprehensive treatment for adults and children.
  • She was born and raised in La Habana, Cuba.
  • She moved to the United Stated when she was 16 years old.
Dr. Isis C. Sosa

Dr. Isis C. Sosa

Board Certified in Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery

Our Staff

Gretchen P

Dental Assistant

Maria M.

Dental Assistant

Daniella A.


Mayte G.

Dental Assistant

Keily F.

Treatment Coordinator

Luciana G.


Ximena I.

Patient Coordinator


See What Our Patients Are Saying

Advanced Family Dental

Contact Us

Call Us

Kendall Pointe Plaza
16650 SW 88th Street, Suite 106
Miami, FL 33196

Office Time
Monday-Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: By appointment

Contact us to schedule an appointment!